New York City - Laser Hair Removal Deals

Male and female laser techs remove unwanted body hair on light & tanned skin with a Soprano XL laser system designed for maximum comfort.

Three, six, or nine noninvasive VelaShape treatments help smooth away cellulite & contour skin with minimal discomfort & downtime

Medical-grade Cynosure Elite MPX laser helps techs banish body fuzz from all skin types, and a cooling device eases discomfort

Up to 20 units of Botox smooth over crow's feet, forehead lines, or between-eye creases for up to four months.

Fotona Nd:YAG laser pulses deep into the dermis to reduce large spider veins during quick sessions

Licensed technicians help to shed unwanted hair with FDA-approved Cutera CoolGlide YAG laser & two cooling systems

Cleansing regimen refurbishes faces before hands-free HydroMassage unit kneads musculature with waves of water trapped in cushy barrier

Scalp specialists help thinning manes blossom with consultation, hair analysis & three months of 30-minute laser sessions

New York state-certified cosmetic laser specialists scare away irritating body hair with wave of Candela GentleLASE or GentleYAG laser

Laser beauty specialists focus on permanent hair-reduction treatments for all body parts, scheduled every one or two weeks