New York City - Medical Spas Deals

Licensed massage therapists combine Swedish, shiatsu, and reflexology techniques to sap tension during full-body Relax massage

Red LED lights shrink fat cells, stimulate collagen & tighten skin to sculpt bodies.

Noninvasive laser treatments trim inches from waistline, hips & thighs & reduce appearance of cellulite with little downtime

Soothing microcurrents travel deep into dermis to tighten slack facial muscles, and facials and peels rejuvenate complexions.

Noninvasive laser treatments work to reduce body measurements with no downtime.

Experienced plastic surgeon tackles unwanted mass with liposuction treatments requiring recovery times as little as three days.

Licensed massage therapist Douglas Macon eases stress and tension with gentle Swedish strokes or firmer deep-tissue pressures.

Gentle, multiple-wavelength lasers target deep, collagen-producing cells, helping to regenerate & tighten the skin

VelaShape II device's noninvasive mix of infrared light, bipolar radio frequency & mechanical massage helps reduce cellulite & waistlines

Guests opt for massage, facial, or microdermabrasion or choose to sit under Lumi light to lift skin or erase acne, rosacea & sunspots.