New York City - Podiatrists Deals
63% Off Laser Toenail-Fungus Removal
$299 for Laser Toenail-Fungus Removal with Dr. John Mwando ($800 Value)
04 Apr, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Licensed podiatrist Dr. John Mwando wields laser that targets toenail fungus without damaging nails or skin.
Up to 85% Off Podiatry Service and Fungus Removal
Laser Nail-Fungus Treatment or Podiatric Consultation, Paraffin Footbath, and X-rays from Dr. Larry Cohen (Up to 85% Off)
17 Mar, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Experienced podiatrist checks feet for painful bone conditions or blasts nail fungus off all 10 toes.
75% Off Laser Nail Fungus Removal
$299 for Laser Nail Fungus Removal for Both Feet at The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine ($1,200 Value)
15 Feb, 2012 at 05:01 AM

Board-certified podiatrists use PinPointe FootLaser to blast unsightly nail fungus during 30-minute session in time for warmer weather