New York City - Specialty Schools Deals

Marksmen practice shooting rifles or select firearms after one-hour safety briefing

Course that can be completed in 12 hours helps users tap into Excel’s business-boosting potential via online exercises, videos, and a test

Experienced law-enforcement officials teach students proper firearm shooting and safety techniques; package includes gear and ammunition

75-hour licensing course informs students interested in buying or selling real estate with a professional instructor & flexible curriculum

Online photography classes meet for four weeks and include videos, worksheets, and instructor feedback.

12 months of access to a self-guided app design course compiled by No. 1 app designer Chris Stevens with 50+ hours of learning material

Foil, épée & saber techniques taught by instructing core highlighted by former national-level competitors

Instructors divulge tested techniques aiming to boost long-term memory, concentration, and reading speed in classes held at Columbia

Experienced law-enforcement officials teach students proper firearm shooting & safety techniques at facilities accessible from Manhattan

Onsite & online classes immerse students in lectures, discussions & exercises about writing scripts, memoirs & novels