New York City - Theater & Plays Deals

Off-Broadway hit imagines meeting of minds between Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis, who trade arguments about God, love, life and death

Male strippers bare their souls and more in a surprisingly touching play by director and star Geoffrey Cantor, staged at an '80s-themed club

Broadway revival stars "High School Musical's" Corbin Bleu & enlivens crowds with breezy score, vibrant costumes & exuberant dance routines.

Internationally known ballet company presents world premiere of tango-themed performance by house choreographer & founder

With more than 20 million hits on YouTube, octet draws more than 70 a cappella numbers from decades of pop heritage in an interactive show

'70s tough-guy icon is reborn in comedy act that spins outrageous yarns with manly advice in historic lounge space of Huron Club

Women reminisce on family & cultural history as they sing & perform landmark songs from “Oh, Happy Day” to “Single Ladies”

In feathers & sequins, Quinn Lemley belts out burlesque-worthy standards such as “Let Me Entertain You” in show by Tony-winning director

Five renowned comics put on a hilarious evening of jokes; a musical based on Skippyjon Jones book delights youngsters

Longest-running musical in the world tells a tale of adolescents tricked to fall in love & stars pop singer Aaron Carter