Ocala - Medical Spas Deals
Up to 74% Off Nonsurgical Face-Lifts
One, Two, or Three Nonsurgical Microcurrent Face-Lifts at New Body Contours (Up to 74% Off)
05 Sep, 2012 at 04:00 AM

FDA-approved electrical currents stimulate collagen production and tighten skin
56% Off Zerona Body Slimming
$799 for Six Zerona Body-Slimming Treatments at Laser Trim Contours ($1,800 Value)
07 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

Cold lasers target fat cells without harming skin; the treatment may slim waists, thighs, hips, and buttocks with no downtime
Up to 56% Off Zerona Body Slimming
Three or Six Zerona Body-Slimming Treatments at Laser Trim Contours (Up to 56% Off)
07 Aug, 2012 at 04:00 AM

FDA-approved cold lasers target fat cells without harming skin; the treatment may slim waists, thighs, hips, and buttocks with no downtime