Oklahoma City - Health & Fitness Deals

Gentle techniques unwind coiled musculature during 60-minute Swedish massages aiming to remove persistent aches & pains from backs

With their emphasis on Ashtanga & Vinyasa yoga, instructors teach students how to use centering breaths throughout vigorous asana sequences

Multiple class options accommodate different fitness levels & ages with strength, cardio & agility exercises in specialized indoor facility

Holistically focused weight-loss & wellness program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking & natural supplements

Friendly dentist protects teeth & gums during one-hour checkups & brightens smiles with Zoom! whitening system

Former NCAA Division 1 coach leads athletic regimens of footwork, running & plyometrics to improve 40-yard-dash times & vertical lift

Certified yoga instructor Tiffany Porte leads students of all skill levels through athletic yoga flows in 80- to 98-degree studio all week

FDA-approved, USA-made carbamide peroxide whitens smiles up to five shades in trays custom molded at home

Dr. Lee Slatten checks eyes for overall health & outfits them in Kate Spade, Ray-Ban, or Guess frames fit to prescription lenses

Dedicated & upbeat dental staff emphasizes long-term dental health with comprehensive exam, cleaning, x-rays & take-home whitening kit