Oklahoma City - Home Services Deals

Professional crew installs name-brand carpets, wood flooring, and tiles.

Insured housecleaners perform common cleaning tasks, including vacuuming and steam cleaning floors.

Family-owned and bonded company dispatches lone dirt assassin armed with nontoxic products to homes within 20 mi. of Oklahoma City

Insured service techs repair common garage door issues such as realignment & off-track doors on nearly all makes & models of opener

Licensed technicians draw upon years of experience to eliminate weeds & crabgrass with EPA-approved products

Fully bonded cleaners scour with nontoxic products & customize service with window cleaning, oven scrubbing, or dish washing

Technicians strip rooms bare of existing carpet & cover in quality threads from Mohawk, Beaulieu, & Shaw or deck floors in wood or tile

Residential carpet cleaning for four or six areas measuring up to 250 sq. ft. each

Cleaning technicians employ nontoxic products to strong-arm mildew from bathroom & kitchen fixtures & disband dust in two-hour sessions

Team of steam-cleaning experts purify, de-stain & clean carpets in three or six rooms with gentle, nontoxic cleaning agents