Oklahoma City - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Dr. Pardee examines patients to formulate a custom weight-loss plan, highlighting lifestyle and nutrition changes.

Holistic weight-loss program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking, and natural supplements

Online portal compiles recipes, workout videos, and inspirational seminars to augment diet program designed for weight loss and detox.

Certified laser specialist reduces hair growth and prominence with up-to-45-minute-long sessions that replace razors with lasers.

Whitening technicians coat teeth in powerful hydrogen-peroxide gel that whitens beneath ultraviolet lamp

Massage therapist slakes stress with one-hour deep-tissue or Swedish massage

Holistically focused weight-loss & wellness program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking & natural supplements

Dr. Pardee examines patients to formulate custom weight-loss plan, highlighting lifestyle & nutrition changes

Noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime

Dr. Pardee examines patients to formulate a custom weight-loss plan, based on both lifestyle & nutritional changes