Orlando - Weight Loss Centers Deals

Noninvasive fat-reducing treatment eliminates inches from stomach, legs, or arms using ultrasonic waves in 60-minute sessions

Gentle, noninvasive laser increases scalp's circulation to coax follicles into growing strong, shiny locks

Licensed practitioner tends to clients with injections of vitamin B12, which help to boost energy & assist in metabolism

Experts analyze body composition to optimize weight-loss strategies & vitamin cocktails boost metabolism with B12, riboflavin & thiamine

Board-certified physician draws up weight-loss plan combining nutrition counseling, supplements & metabolism-boosting B12 shots

Dietitians customize medically supervised weight-loss program geared to shed fat & with weekly weigh-ins, counseling & B12 injections

Physician-supervised program designed to boost metabolism & guide participants to healthier lifestyles

Physician-supervised program; FDA-approved appetite suppressants, vitamins & Ketostix; Nutritional counseling;