Palm Beach Deals

Podiatrists administer series of three laser treatments, which fry fungal growth & allow clean nails to naturally grow in

Servers whisk hearty fare such as florentine crêpes & peanut-butter pie to circular tables surrounded by vintage decor

Resort at marina with swimming pool, seafood restaurant & tiki bar with live music

Face-painting and water-cannon fights on family-friendly treasure hunt aboard 49-passenger ship

Non-alcoholic Polynesian drink known for calming properties relaxes visitors at laid-back café as they learn about its history & effects

Nine fields sprawled across a 20-acre facility conceal players armed with 200 paintballs during speedball, woodsball, and scenario games.

Licensed massage therapist & chiropractor expels toxins, increases flexibility & eases soft-tissue injuries with tailored massages.

Culinary Institute of America alum fashions gourmet eats out of fresh Maine lobsters and fish such as yellowfin tuna, grouper, and salmon.

Zoom! whitening uses lamp to brighten teeth at Dr. Martone's office, which is open on Saturdays & evenings.

Xtend Barre & Pilates classes craft lean physiques with focused stretching; energized dance steps comprise Zumba's cardio workout