Palm Beach - Art Classes Deals

No matter their experience level, adults can enroll in art classes that cover such media as ceramics, jewelry, metalwork, and sculpture

Amid glittering glass baubles, students learn beading, leather-bracelet making, or wire-crocheting basics, creating their own wearable art

Instructors teach newbie knitters & crocheters foundational stitches amid rainbows of brand-name skeins

Amid glittering glass baubles, students learn beading, wire-looping, or wire-crocheting basics, creating their own wearable art

Watercolorist certified in techniques of TV's Terry Madden guides the brushstrokes of 10–12 students in morning class

Instructors teach newbie knitters & crocheters foundational stitches amid rainbows of brand-name skeins & include free scarf pattern

Experienced artists teach pupils to paint wine glasses, wine bottles or bisque as students sip on bottles of vino

Shops with more than 20,000 skeins of yarn & materials from Trendsetter, Berroco & Gedifra arm crafters with complimentary patterns

Amid glittering glass baubles, students transform beading basics, delicate viking-knit filigrees or macramé knots into wearable art

Potter's wheels spin & figure models pose as instructors help adults improve their skills in sculpture, painting & other visual arts