Palm Beach - Auto Repair & Services Deals

Automobiles gleam after a thorough cleaning inside and out

Technicians replace old oil and pour synthetic-blend into engines, rotate tires, and perform a 21-point safety inspection at two locations

Techs replace old oil and filters before checking brakes and rotating tires

Mechanics swap used fluids for fresh regular or synthetic oil before rotating all four tires and conducting a visual vehicle inspection

Staff of ASE-certified mechanics includes 50-year industry veteran

Car MDs inject 5 quarts of fresh oil into ailing autos and also replace filter, wash windows, and vacuum interior

Deft technicians change oil & filter before checking brakes, rotating & balancing tires & washing exteriors.

Skilled mechanics and technicians continue Midas's 50-year tradition of automotive service by revamping engines, brakes, or tires.

Car MDs inject 5 quarts of fresh oil into ailing autos & also replace filter, wash windows & vacuum interior

Professional, trained mechanics change oil, rotate tires & inspect brakes to safeguard against future repairs