Palm Beach - Education Deals

Certified instructors lead classes of six or fewer students, teaching kids basic swimming and water-safety techniques.

Amid glittering glass baubles, students learn beading, wire-looping, or wire-crocheting basics, creating their own wearable art

Batters calibrate swings in indoor cages that toss baseballs at up to 100 mph as well as fast- & arc-pitch softballs

Certified teachers get students used to water in 30-minute, children-only classes or sessions that pair moms with their kids

Watercolorist certified in techniques of TV's Terry Madden guides the brushstrokes of 10–12 students in morning class

Instructors teach newbie knitters & crocheters foundational stitches amid rainbows of brand-name skeins & include free scarf pattern

Trapeze instructors teach up to 15 high-flying students how to perform knee hang, backflip dismount & midair transfer

Experienced glass blower helps students transform liquid glass into shapely, contoured art with one-on-one instruction in waterfront studio

PGA instructor Kevin Carlson draws from 15 years of teaching experience to foster improvement in students of all ages and skill levels

Instructors teach basic skills & freestyle, backstroke & breaststroke to students ages 3 months & up in 30-minute small group lessons