Palm Beach - Medical Spas Deals

Facial cleans and exfoliates skin’s surface and massages muscles; glycolic peel removes top layer of skin to prompt production of collagen

Candela GentleYag lasers target pathogens that create nail fungus during a treatment with little to no discomfort

FDA-approved Libbe machine gently flushes impacted waste from colon walls in a private treatment room

Botox injection smoothes wrinkles away from one area of the face, leaving skin softly unfurrowed for up to four months

A laser technician glides a handheld IPL system across unwanted hairs during quick sessions that aim to vaporize follicles at the root

A cryo-cooled hand piece sends laser pulses into spider veins, causing them to constrict and eventually fade from view

Laser technology zaps hair at the roots to prevent future growth

Radio-frequency and light energies heat the skin to prompt collagen production and firm up sagging areas

Using a numbing cream or ice for comfort, staff employs intense pulsed light to curb the growth of any hair color on most skin types

A certified physician injects Restylane to compensate for facial wrinkles or Botox to temporarily disable the muscles that cause frown lines