Palm Beach - Professional Services Deals

Experienced instructors lead dancers & optional partners in classes to benefit children's programs of Kiwanis Foundation of North Dade Inc.

Florists fashion fresh blooms into elegant custom bouquets & arrangements for sundry occasions

After getting to know clients, a seasoned professional captures candid moments in unique, professional & personalized photo shoots

Professional cleaners vanquish stains & refurbish shirts, suits, comforters & other items using advanced odor-free solutions

Diligent technicians digitize photographs onto DVD or CD & provide easier online sharing & durable protection of cherished images

Apple-certified technician replaces damaged screens, installs software, removes viruses & provides instruction on navigating digital devices

Digitization experts scan up to 1,000 photos & convert them to 300-DPI, high-resolution images on DVD

Photographers snap shots on variety of backgrounds for a single image CD & printing of enhanced portraits with 40% off additional purchases

Bill Barbosa draws on 15 years of experience to capture candid shots on location

Holiday-card assembly line allows visitors to disperse season's greetings with personalized photos & text printed on choice of card stock