Palm Beach - Shopping Deals

3X optical-zoom lens captures 12.2-megapixel images, displayed on 2.7-inch LCD screen & safeguarded in 2GB internal memory

Sleek tablet features WiFi capabilities, e-book applications, thousands of downloadable apps & considerable memory

Image experts touch up photos before transferring them to wrapped, textured artist-canvas prints

Eye-catching array of silicon watches wrap snugly around wrists to complement outfits & keep track of time

Intimate apparel accentuates sexuality with satin, lace & silk in collections of bras, panties, chemises & corsets

Pulitzer Prize–winning news source extends reporting to laptops and iPads with functionality for searching, emailing & font rescaling

Pop star Justin Bieber’s angelic face graces pair of dentist-approved toothbrushes, which echo his hit singles for 120 brush-heavy seconds

Expert staff preserves art & keepsakes with custom frames, shadowboxes & more than 2,000 moldings from brands such as Larson-Juhl & Roma

Legendary book contains thousands of recipes for new cooks to try & kitchen vets to master, all relayed in accessible, conversational style

Free, easy to use software helps create fully personalized photo books, cards & invitations with custom images & text