Philadelphia - Medical Spas Deals

Light and heat energy from the Cutera CoolGlide laser target and destroy unwanted hair follicles to leave skin smooth

After a cleansing facial, microdermabrasion treatments exfoliate skin and stimulate healthy regeneration

Light and heat energy target and destroy unwanted hair follicles to leave skin smooth

Doctors spend 10 minutes injecting the brow area with an FDA-approved solution designed to block the nerve impulses that cause wrinkles

Cynosure Smartlipo treatments use lasers and traditional liposuction technology to remove fat while reducing bruising and recovery time

Q-Switched laser light works to break up and gradually fade unwanted pigments

Injections of lipotropic amino acids and vitamin B12 work to support the metabolism, boost energy, and kick-start weight-loss efforts

35-minute Endermologie Lipomassage treatment is designed to reduce cellulite, firm tissue, drain toxins, and exfoliate the skin

Sessions expose body to extremely low temperatures to support weight loss, reduce appearance of cellulite & ease pain from almost any origin

Laser hair-removal treatments whisk away unwanted hair over the course of six treatments