Phoenix - Beauty & Spas Deals

Long, gliding strokes relax tense muscles; salt scrub and detoxifying mud wrap both exfoliate and soften skin with natural ingredients

A skilled aesthetician bonds individual synthetic lashes to natural lashes, replacing shed lashes during fill treatments

Botox smoothes wrinkles for up to four months, and Juvéderm restores volume, smoothes out skin, and can last up to one year

Classic mani-pedis include basic grooming and polishing; spa nail services also include a sea-salt treatment, massage, scrub, and mask

Licensed massage therapists deploy variety of techniques to treat chronic pain sufferers, endurance athletes, or moms-to-be

Microdermabrasion sloughs away dead skin cells and exfoliates outer layer to reveal brighter skin

Nonsurgical treatment sends oxygen and nutrients to spinal discs to ease back pain caused by a disc injury

FDA-approved, noninvasive treatment smoothes skin and helps improve the appearance of cellulite

Aesthetician whisks away unwanted hair from bikini area in a private treatment room

Radio frequencies work to boost collagen production and shrink fat cells, resulting in smoother, tighter skin on the face or body