Phoenix - Day Spas Deals

Buoyant salt water floats clients as surrounding pod blocks out external stimuli, allowing brains to relax while muscles unwind.

Buoyant salt water floats clients as surrounding pod blocks out external stimuli, allowing brains to relax while muscles unwind.

Gentle Swedish massage pairs with hydrating & exfoliating scrub; anticellulite treatment includes body brushing & detoxifying wrap

Mystic or VersaSpa spray tans mist the skin with a custom formula inside private treatment rooms

Stylists at Aveda concept salon snip manes into face-framing coifs before brightening 'dos with color or partial or full highlights

FDA-approved system merges mechanical massage with vacuum, radio frequencies, and infrared light to enhance blood flow and reduce cellulite

Savvy aestheticians individually affix extensions to your natural lashes, temporarily eliminating the need for mascara

Radio-frequency energy helps boost the production of collagen, which plumps the lips and improves facial contours

Low-level lasers shrink bulky fat cells until they’re small enough to evacuate the body; four to eight treatments are recommended per area

Stylists lop excess inches off strands & style hair before adding streaks of color or changing coiffure’s entire hue