Phoenix - Health & Fitness Deals

Natural medi-spa helps clients cinch inches & tone sagging skin with herbal anticellulite body wrap formulated by biochemist

Custom-club maker and PGA teaching pro leads one-on-one lessons using advanced teaching aids and more than 30 years of golf experience

Experienced dentists replace teeth with durable titanium implants, prefabricated abutments, and natural-looking crowns.

Technicians direct lasers onto nails to eliminate fungal growths so toenails can grow back clear.

Dentist takes a good look at unwelcome wisdom teeth with an x-ray before going in to extract up to four choppers, including impacted teeth

Chemically activated whitening gel uses hydrogen-peroxide formula to brighten teeth up to eight shades

Licensed massage therapists tailor full-body massages to specific aches and pains, helping to increase circulation and relaxation.

Specializing surgeon Dr. Paul M. Petelin deploys bladeless variation on popular LASIK corrective surgery for minimal downtime & discomfort

Instructors vary boot-camp classes each day, drawing from kickboxing, yoga, core work & functional training during indoor & outdoor workouts

After exam with x-rays & mouth impressions, Dr. Stephen Conrad straightens crooked chompers with clear, removable aligners in 6–15 months