Piedmont Triad - Shopping Deals

3X optical-zoom lens captures 12.2-megapixel images, displayed on 2.7-inch LCD screen & safeguarded in 2GB internal memory

Panda-, ladybug-, or monkey-shaped backpack shifts into carrying bag, pillow or blanket to ease trips for traveling tykes

Online shop stocks 225+ cigar brands & 1,200 cigar accessories alongside logo apparel & other merchandise

Eye-catching array of silicon watches wrap snugly around wrists to complement outfits & keep track of time

Automated system at shop near two ski resorts dispenses rental choices from more than 550 skis & 250 snowboards from brands such as Atomic

Automated system at shop near two ski resorts dispenses rental choices from more than 550 skis & 250 snowboards from brands such as Atomic

Legendary book contains thousands of recipes for new cooks to try & kitchen vets to master, all relayed in accessible, conversational style

Ace weavers use passed-down technique to entwine treasured photos, borders, text & insignia onto custom-designed cotton throws

Free, easy to use software helps create fully personalized photo books, cards & invitations with custom images & text

Hand-stamped, custom sterling-silver charms bedeck bracelets & necklaces with words or names, such as hollow-circle charm