Portland Deals

Licensed therapists comb knots into freely flowing musculature during 60- to 90-minute massages

Expert instructor leads students of all ages through beginning classes in hula or Tahitian dance & emphasize Hawaiian culture & community

Certified practitioner Michael Valenti wields Dr. Ida Rolf's body-alignment research to pin, pull & push muscle fibers into proper alignment

40-minute noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime

Auto-body experts make dings disappear from one body panel with paintless dent removal or spruce up paint jobs with all-over touchups

Easy interface guides users in customizing Christmas, Hanukkah & seasonal cards printed on variety of cardstock options

Up-close view of real human bodies in artful poses exposes elaborate musculature & bone structure to illuminate visitors

Chefs alter spice levels to taste in stir-fry, curry & noodle dishes that host three kinds of meat, seafood, or vegetables

Drivers pick up bagged clothes for dry cleaning & deliver spotless vestments to homes or businesses

42 salons support skin-bronzing endeavors with 60-second Mystic Tan available in three color levels or wide assortment of tanning beds