Reno - Education Deals

Online time-management, productivity and leadership courses incorporate concepts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Learn the art of simmering a Moroccan stew, the basics of slicing and dicing, or the key to baking a loaf of artisan bread

Contestants from Emmy-award-winning cooking show lead more than 200 online video lessons with printable recipes

Online courses include all state-required curriculum to obtain a real-estate license

Online photography classes meet for four weeks and include videos, worksheets, and instructor feedback.

Cross-platform education site preps students in GMAT, LSAT, and other academic fields through discussion boards, quizzes, and practice tests

Online course grants internationally recognized certification to teach English as a secondary language

12 months of access to a self-guided app design course compiled by No. 1 app designer Chris Stevens with 50+ hours of learning material

Rewatchable online classes led by skilled crafter break down basics of photo editing or Photoshop into detailed lessons

Stationary-bar-based workouts help patrons tone muscles and flatten stomachs with low-impact isometric maneuvers