Richmond Deals

Doctor with 20 years of experience in cosmetic procedures uses noninvasive technology to target fat cells in stubborn bulges

Craft vendors & representatives from six wineries schmooze with guests, who sample culinary pairings & settle down for picnics

Twosomes cartpool across nine-hole, par 3 course, hitting shots as long as 175 yd. & rolling putts across subtle breaks on bent-grass greens

Suites in renovated Victorian home boast four-post beds, fireplaces, jacuzzis & flat-screen TVs plus three-course breakfast

Teams of two pedal to obstacle courses across town before racing back to finish line for spirited after-party with drinks, snacks & prizes

Hand-pulled pork and chicken marinated in delicately spiced tomato sauce and served with fresh-baked corn bread and homemade potato salad

Home-brewing kit quick starts batches of ales, lagers & stouts with premium hops, yeasts & grains as well as easy recipes

Talented instructors teach dancers to perform original choreography with proper technique in disciplines such as jazz, tap & ballet

Licensed acupuncturist pinpoints ailments in consultations before alleviating them with hair-thin needles that redirect body's energy

On Potomac River, colossal resort complex includes five restaurants, three golf courses & five pools