Richmond Deals

Flatiron eliminates frizz with floating beveled tourmaline plates & infrared heat that minimizes damage

Handheld camera with a slim design captures HD video; watch footage on the pair of LCD screens; easily upload video to social networks

Nail technician with more than 20 years of experience primps fingers and toes during spa mani-pedi, acrylic application, or mani-pedi party

Overnight guests enjoy three individual outdoor play sessions, two meals a day, and private rooms with platform beds

Chefs pile housemade crusts with more than 44 premium toppings, including pesto, portuguese linguiça, ginger-peanut sauce, and hummus

Full year of access to 38 courses and 500-plus hours at all levels of online training on workplace mainstays such as Excel and Lotus Notes

Three-hour course in which students learn to understand the equipment, inflate a canopy, and practice ground handling

Individually selected and vacuum-wrapped steaks, pork chops, chicken breasts, and hot dogs arrive in reusable dry-ice-packed containers

Trained wrench MDs inject 5 quarts of Pennzoil or Formula Shell into ailing autos, then replace filter, wash windows, and vacuum interior

On a 90-minute walking tour of Williamsburg, guide Allison Wildridge recounts more than 10 tales from the city's storied past