Richmond - Chiropractor Deals
Licensed chiropractors straighten spines with detailed examinations, stretching exercises, and three spinal adjustments
Therapists and chiropractic doctors treat chronic pains with consultations, customized exams, and medical massages
After a spinal inspection, adjustments and soft-tissue work nudge vertebrae back into place and ease muscle tension
Certified staff members strike to root of aches and pains with chiropractic services and three types of massage
Chiropractor reads nervous systems with 90-second scan technology and nudges vertebrae into place with gentle adjustments
Licensed chiropractor David deBarros helps straighten spines & relieve nerve pressure as licensed message therapist targets pain & tension
Certified staff members strike to root of aches & pains with chiropractic services & three types of massage
PGA Tour chiropractor performs 60-minute deep-tissue & trigger-point massage therapy, followed by wellness exam
Chiropractic doctor determines spinal ailments during examination & incorporates massage to address aches & tension
Licensed massage therapists; Helps realign vertebrae & relieve nerve pressure; Can diagnose causes of pain;