Richmond - Education Deals

Online time-management, productivity and leadership courses incorporate concepts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Full year of access to 38 courses and 500-plus hours at all levels of online training on workplace mainstays such as Excel and Lotus Notes

Online photography classes meet for four weeks and include videos, worksheets, and instructor feedback.

Online course grants internationally recognized certification to teach English as a secondary language

12 months of access to a self-guided app design course compiled by No. 1 app designer Chris Stevens with 50+ hours of learning material

Appetizer-and-tapas cooking class covers wine and cheese pairings to complement small plates such as crab cakes and spanish meatballs

Students of all dance abilities learn basic to advanced footwork, turn patterns, and techniques

12 months unlimited access to 21 online web-design courses ranging from PHP to HTML5 and Photoshop to Flash with step-by-step instruction

Online courses accredit students to teach English to non-English speakers with the help of a personal tutor and access to a job database