Richmond - Home Services Deals
Certified cleaners lift debris and dirt from carpets aided by a truck-mounted hot-water extraction system
After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote and animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths
Technician uses a power core plug aerator to make tiny holes in dense soil, allowing oxygen and nutrients to better access plant roots
Certified, bilingual techs clean up to 12 air duct vents and one dryer vent
Nontoxic cleanser free of soaps, detergents, and harsh chemicals uses carbonation to dissipate stains and dries with two hours
Handymen restore homes with painting, carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, or tile work
Certified cleaners lift debris and dirt from carpets aided by a truck-mounted hot-water extraction system
Trained techs scour abodes from top to bottom with products safe for children and pets
In addition to cleaning glass, technicians hand wash screens and wipe out tracks and windowsills
Technicians tune up, clean, and inspect AC systems for safety, then ferret out issues lurking in furnaces