Salt Lake City - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals

Gravity-fed, tube-less system flushes out toxins to relieve constipation, gas, bloating, and irritable bowels

Chiropractic adjustments, colon cleaning, and massage combine to look after clients' holistic health

Chiropractors facilitate internal cleansing sessions upon Colenz open-system table; add-on treatments include massage or clay body wrap

Hypnotist helps clients achieve peak mental performance during meditation that emphasizes positive reinforcement through language.

Libbe system rinses colons with UV-purified, heated water to flush away toxins, improve digestion & reduce bloating in 60 minutes

Comfy LIBBE system cleanses colons with UV-purified, heated water to flush away accumulated toxins, improve digestion & reduce bloating

Certified hydrotherapist introduces filtered water to colon to flush out accumulated waste & toxins in 45-minute sessions