Salt Lake City - Theater & Plays Deals

Morally minded company adapts C.S. Lewis' classic novel with deeply felt performances, artistic costuming, and suspenseful fight scenes

Celebration of '80s kitsch tells love story of Greek muse's forbidden love with mortal, reliving cult classic film with Olivia Newton-John.

Musical parody inspired by recent pop-culture crazes springboards viewers of all ages into song- & dance-filled halls of high school

Unexpected romance blooms when explorer stumbles upon antisocial woman locked inside Victorian mansion

Renowned psychic, clairvoyant & TV star escorts audiences through two hours of witty afterlife insight, psychic readings & spirit contact

Halloween-themed parodies elicit laughs & screams in equal measure before ceding stage time to one of Utah’s longest-running improv shows

Beloved family film comes to life in vivid stage adaptation during evening & matinee performances

Fresh take on classic story; Comedy meets supernatural; Castle-themed outdoor theater; Fall treats for sale;

Educational productions for kids; Classic Brothers Grimm tale; Intimate, 99-seat theater;