San Diego - Bartending Schools Deals
A one- or two-week bartending course includes all supplies, nationwide job-placement assistance, and a lifetime of refresher practice
Experienced bartenders train students in mixology and serving technique, award certification, and assist with job placement
Work with real glassware, bottles, and soda guns while learning to mix cocktails; an online course allows at-home certification
Experienced bartenders train students in mixology & serving technique, award certification & assist with job placement
One- or two-week courses turn students into full-fledged bartenders after mixing 106+ brands of liquor in realistic bar setting
Seasoned mixologists share their cocktail craft with lessons on upwards of 150 classic & popular cocktails in hands-on, active classes
Learn to make up to 150 drinks; Hands-on & active classes; Refresher courses & lifetime job placement for grads;