San Francisco - Chiropractor Deals

Chiropractor consults with clients to address health concerns before staff performs massage treatments to alleviate pain & aid recovery

Certified massage therapist treats body to heavy & sustained pressure to reach deep-seated tension & alleviate host of conditions

Half-hour sessions on DRX9000 spinal-decompression-therapy table help to relieve pain of sciatica, herniated discs & other back ailments

FDA-approved cold lasers melt away up to 3.5 combined inches of fatty tissue over course of three or six Zerona treatments

A 60-minute massage incorporates Swedish and deep-tissue techniques to relieve tension, improve circulation, and increase flexibility.

Noninvasive, FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime

Licensed therapist expels tension & toxins with deft strokes & an optional exam & adjustment straightens spines with gentle, light touches

Experienced massage therapists & chiropractic doctor help usher aches away from bodies with deep-tissue pressure & x-ray analysis

Massage relieves tension & thorough exam roots out misalignments with five-step technique in kid-friendly office with no-wait policy

One-hour therapeutic massages; Surface EMG & thermal scan; Identify neural disruptions ;