San Francisco - Shopping Deals

Hip secondhand store stocks vintage & thrift clothes in welcoming confines where creative people from community can hang

Chic, contemporary apparel from brands such as BB Dakota & Myne lines sleek boutique alongside soy candles & jewelry

Skilled framers use high-quality materials & rare techniques to efficiently preserve photographs, historic documents & keepsakes

Shoppers enjoy discounts on chic apparel by JewelMint & local designers as well as complimentary cocktails & spa services

Expert framers coordinate with customers to preserve small & large prints in variety of aesthetic styles

Mattress purveyor stocks organic, fair-trade futons, frames & furniture as well as platform beds with metal, hardwood & polyester components

2010 World Series baseball boasts unique MLB authenticity number & arrives signed by Giants' starting pitcher Matt Cain

Family-owned bicycle shop tunes up two-wheelers and equips all ages and skill levels of cyclists with bikes, athletic apparel, and gear

Durable, water-resistant silicon wristwatches infuse skin with negative ions that may increase metabolism, enhance stamina & boost focus

Urban-chic apparel, accessories, and housewares, including decorative shower curtains, wall decals, and artwork-emblazoned T-shirts