San Jose - Massage Deals

Thai massage with hot-stone treatment inside soundproof treatment rooms filled with soothing Eastern melodies

Sustained pressure on tendons releases constricted muscles & realigns deep layers of tissue while breaking down knots & relieving pain

Staff loosens muscles with a relaxing massage and aims to draw out impurities or contour bodies with a coffee or seaweed wrap.

Experienced massage therapists soothe sore muscles with choice of six massage modalities

Experienced massage therapists soothe sore muscles with choice of six massage modalities

Experienced massage therapist loosens muscles during hot-stone & hot-oil treatments

Licensed therapists relieve stress with Swedish, deep-tissue & myofascial massages & couples sip champagne & nibble on strawberries

Skilled, friendly staff; Relaxing massage helps a variety of ailments;

Licensed massage therapists; Natural pain relief; Tailored to each client’s specific sore spots;