San Jose - Yoga Deals

One-hour sessions come in relaxing or energizing styles, and 90-minute alignment-based classes cover 26 poses and welcome all skill levels

Instructors lead sessions covering Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga yoga styles in climate-controlled 4,400 sq. ft. studio

90-minute series of 26 basic postures pushes mental and physical limits by being performed in rooms heated to 105 degrees

Instructors lead Vinyasa Flow, Power Fusion, and youth yoga for kids aged 3–14 in two solar-powered studios replete with a snack bar

Hot-yoga classes and room-temperature courses in Vinyasa flow, Yin yoga and other styles run simultaneously in two-room studio

Outdoor hiking and yoga combine for 90 minutes of cardio and strength work in a natural setting, and groups can take private hikes

Hot-yoga classes and room-temperature courses in Vinyasa flow, Yin yoga and other styles run simultaneously in two-room studio

Award-winning competitive yogis lead students through 26 postures held in a heated room for 90 minutes to stretch and strengthen muscles

Expert instructors move students of all skill levels through Iyengar-yoga poses that increase stability and concentration

Yogis suspend themselves from cloth fabric hammocks or take part in nearly 25 available weekly yoga sessions