Savannah / Hilton Head - Walking Tours Deals

Local author leads walking tour toward haunted destinations, recounting folklore and grim stories

Two-hour walking tours of Savannah use architectural features to inspire discussions of the city’s history and culture

Guides shepherd groups through Savannah’s colonial district to induce shivers with tales of hauntings, exorcisms, and Gullah superstitions

Walking tours combine the edu-tainment of city tour with lessons on photography amid historic districts and architectural treasures

Guides unfold the cinematic, historical, and spiritual backstory of Savannah through walking tours

Pet-friendly tours cruise down River Street or make stops at pubs as guides hold forth on local pirate and ghost history

Pet-friendly tours cruise down oak-shaded Bull Street past 19th-century architecture & ironwork as guides hold forth on the history

Friendly, knowledgeable guide Michelle leads groups on tours around Savannah landmarks, customizing stops to personal interests

90-minute tours proceed from cemetery or pub as licensed & knowledge guides dispense yarns about voodoo, folklore & ghostly sightings

Erudite guides shepherd groups around Savannah past historical homes & luxurious mansions & through 22 lush garden landscapes