Seattle - Flight Instruction Deals

Intro lesson lets novices practice takeoff, in-flight maneuvers & landing & package melds 50 hours on ground & 4 hours of in-air instruction

Educational materials precede flight lesson led by FAA-certified instructors; would-be pilots are connected with area flight schools

Pilot lifts up to three guests 500–1,000 ft. above Seattle for 30-minute city-landmark tour before 20-minute Q&A with pilot on ground

Tours take sightseers skyward in helicopters to catch aerial glimpses of Puget Sound & Space Needle

Package melds 50 hours on ground & 4 hours of in-air instruction to impart aviation expertise & intro lesson puts beginners in pilot's seat

Intro lesson lets novices practice takeoff, in-flight maneuvers & landing & package melds 50 hours on ground & 4 hours of in-air instruction

All pilots are certified flight instructors & commercial pilots; Fly over Puget Sound & Space Needle;