Seattle - Health & Fitness Deals
Zumba, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, and cycling classes complement personal training, cardio machines, and Hammer Strength equipment
Laser system’s targeted beams banish the discoloration and pain of toenail fungi; orthotics cushion soles to improve walking patterns
Radio frequencies work to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin
A series of four B12 injections, administered by a nurse or doctor, help clients boost metabolism and shed excess pounds.
State-of-the-art video-analysis software unpacks golf swings to target areas for improvement
Gym members can step, lift, and punch during creative group classes, workout on strength and cardio machines, and tan in onsite booths
Juices, shakes, snacks, and supplements fortify customers five times a day for 2 days in an effort to detox systems and stimulate weight los
60- to 90-minute sessions of hot Hatha yoga and power Vinyasa
After thorough examination & x-rays, dentists brighten teeth up to 10 shades with one-hour Zoom! whitening treatment
18-hole course showcases a stretch of narrow fairways and picturesque views of surrounding terrain