Seattle - Tanning Salon Deals

FormoStar wrap radiates infrared heat onto bodies to burn up to 1400 calories at salon with tanning beds and sunless bronzing options.

Three levels of tanning booths & two spray-tanning options darken skin & whitening kits brighten smiles up to three shades

Established salon with Soltron & Ergoline tanning beds, UV-free spray-tan booths & light-therapy treatments in clean, private rooms

Three levels of tanning booths & two spray-tanning options darken skin & whitening kits brighten smiles up to three shades

Level 1 & 2 tanning beds bronze bodies with lamps & cooling systems; VersaSpa booth combines golden hues with moisture for even color

FormoStar wrap radiates infrared heat onto torso & limbs to burn calories without fatigue & red-light therapy battles fine lines & wrinkles

Tanning technicians airbrush bodies with personalized mists & carefully schedule times in Klassik beds to decrease sunburn risk

Smart Tan–certified staff matches clients with UV or airbrush tans delivered in private rooms

Expert therapists perform massages to curb muscle tension & apply body wraps that burn calories & achieve targeted toning

Certified professional tanners; Custom airbrush tan finished off in standup booth; Longer lasting results;