Shreveport / Bossier Deals

Licensed massage therapist kneads deft hands over muscles with flowing strokes in 30- or 50-minute Swedish massage to oust aches & tension

Smartphone application calls & tracks luxury Ford XLT 350 van equipped with iPod-capable stereo, 18" LCD screen & mini fridge

Meat curators congregate slow-cooked gourmet delicacies that deliver succulent bites & tender flavors for dinners with down-home sides

Shipping hub aids projects with print, copy & binding services alongside large stock of moving boxes, greeting cards & rental mailboxes

Cutting-edge machines coddle & beautify during week of unlimited access to water-based massages, infrared treatments & tanning beds

Multicourse feasts take taste buds on culinary tours of China with mouthwatering appetizers, savory soups & diverse selection of main meals

Collection of casual & sophisticated men's clothing assembles comfy, well-fitting outfits with wool sweaters, corduroy pants & stylish shoes

Historic Union Square hosts art walk & wine & food tastings, followed by performance from Grammy nominee Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue

Resort hosts Halloween party where costumed guests solve mysterious crime & enjoy hors d'oeuvres before retiring to luxurious hotel rooms

Store stocks 20,000 medical-attire options & accessories in varied prints, colors & has brands such as Cherokee, Barco, Urbane, & Landau