St Louis Deals

Plush pillows cushion sleepers' heads and necks with natural fillings and 100% cotton covers

Factory-trained techs change oil, rotate tires, wash exteriors, vacuum interior, and clean tires

Manicurist with nearly 20 years of experience decorates digits with a traditional half-hour manicure and full 60-minute spa pedicure

Guests explore Mark Twain's childhood home and the surrounding properties that inspired his stories

Mix and match a trio of half-hour skin and body treatments; upgrades to longer services and add-ons available

Holds any laptop with up to a 16-inch display and stores iPads or other tablets in a padded pocket

Massage therapist Rhonda Rathert fights facial aging and bodily discomfort with cupping treatments or relaxes muscles with Swedish massage

A licensed cosmetic tattooist adds permanent color to eyelids, brows, or lip edges

Hatha, Anusara, and meditation classes for students of all experience levels are offered six days a week

Pocket-size pedometer records distance, strides, and calories burned; features include 7-day memory and target goal settings.