St Louis - Automotive Deals

Completely paintless undenting procedure repairs dings & blemishes from hailstorms or everyday wear & tear without damaging factory coat

Seven-step wash revitalizes autos with Rain-X surface protectant and Blue Coral Beyond Green cleaning products.

Professionally trained technicians tailor tint films with digital plotter & deftly install on windows for privacy & comfort

Detailers clean cars onsite or in shop with interior dressing, exterior hand wash, window cleaning & spray wax

Trained technicians offer filter and conventional oil change, tire rotation and inflation, exterior window wash and complimentary top-offs

Touchless car wash infuses exteriors with Rain-X protectant & rust inhibitor & treats tires to Wheel Brite & Armor All

Factory-trained techs change oil, rotate tires, wash exteriors, vacuum interior & clean tires

Trained technicians revive engines with up to 5 quarts of standard oil & rotate each tire during 30-minute session

20-minute touchless car wash caresses exterior, undercarriage, tires & wheels with Ecolab products & Rain-X treatments 7 days a week

Instructor Larry House educates students with hands-on motorcycle instruction & real-road experience on provided bikes during 4-day course