St Louis - Education Deals

Online time-management, productivity and leadership courses incorporate concepts from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Full year of access to 38 courses and 500-plus hours at all levels of online training on workplace mainstays such as Excel and Lotus Notes

Interactive program engages learners with speech recognition, an online community, and live tutored sessions

British Horse Society–certified instructor leads 90-minute lessons for individuals, pairs, or groups of three or more

Former police officer and instructors upholding NRA standards lead training classes and oversee rifle-rated ranges

Online course grants internationally recognized certification to teach English as a secondary language

Experienced instructors help students of all ages and skill levels to learn the foxtrot, flamenco, and swing dance

12 months of access to a self-guided app design course compiled by No. 1 app designer Chris Stevens with 50+ hours of learning material

Former police officer and instructors upholding NRA standards lead training classes and oversee rifle-rated ranges

Artistic instructors teach students how to work with digital images, clay, fiber, wood, and metals