Tampa Bay Area - Home Services Deals
Licensed and uniformed servicemen clean windows or aim a high-pressure washer at a house exterior to rid it of unsightly dirt and grime
Thorough inspections for termites and exterminations of existing critters protect property from damage and disease
Team led by experienced designer creates custom schematics, shopping lists & detailed instructions to facilitate DIY redecoration projects
Licensed and insured technicians clean 20 single-story windows by hand, resulting in sparkling windows with increased curb appeal
Nontoxic, odor-free, and biodegradable products leave rooms spotless; custom cleaning plans for each home
Carpet cleaners extract embedded dirt, bacteria, and dust mites in up to five rooms with a five-step process.
Insured technicians clean 15, 25, or 35 windowpanes with biodegradable products
Licensed, insured & bonded cleaners hand wash up to 20 windows or pressure-wash decks, residential exteriors or driveways
Boxes and furniture relocate from homes to secure moving trucks like magic at the capable hands of two careful professional movers.
Thorough cleaners scrub household surfaces with eco-friendly, allergen-free products to banish dirt, smudges, and dust