Tampa Bay Area - Medical Spas Deals

Powerful sound waves boost collagen production in drooping skin to create a more youthful appearance in two to three months

Team of therapists led by Dr. George Kamajian relieves muscle tension and soothes aches with relaxing Swedish massage

Laser specialists remove unwanted hair on small, medium, or large body areas in six sessions

An aesthetician analyzes skin before combining deep cleansing & exfoliation techniques to clear & hydrate skin

Noninvasive laser treatments work to reduce body measurements with no downtime

Doctor studies body stats such as weight, BMI & blood work before injecting dieters with beneficial B12 vitamin

Microdermabrasion reveals underlying layers of skin for LED light to activate, helping to clear blemishes & tighten in one-hour treatment

Dr. Yvette Suarez harnesses intense pulsed light to reduce blotches of pigmentation & rosacea on visages

Microdermabrasion exfoliates skin & FDA-approved Botox & Dysport injections fade frown lines & crow's feet

Noninvasive YAG laser breaks up spider veins as chilled tip comforts & protects skin throughout 15-minute treatment