Toledo Deals

Dr. Hohman, Dr. Bower & female staff slim waists, hips & thighs using series of six noninvasive Zerona laser treatments

Giraffes & zebras roam 2 miles of parkland & eat grain from cars; animal shows & camel rides await kids upon return

Easy-to-use design program revamps snaps into table-ready photo books with quick turnaround & total customization

Handcrafted miniature figurines & bobbleheads bear the faces of clients, friends & family, with more than 450 body models available

Technicians slick fingernails with designer colors & long-lasting Shellac polish for glamorous looks

Meticulous cleaning team scours window exteriors & removes seasonal detritus from roof gutters to improve drainage

Fresh cuisine from Spain, Italy, Greece & the Middle East, including hummus, kebabs & pizzas

Fresh staging of one of Shakespeare's most popular comedies immerses audiences in rib-tickling humor in historic theater

Certified instructors guide students through yoga classes that vary in difficulty, accommodating yogis of all abilities

Moisturizing, naturally-driven skincare products comprise set of eco-friendly, socially responsible, beauty boosters never tested on animals