Washington DC Deals
Savvy snippers reshape coifs and retone strands with all-over color or highlights in a salon helmed by internationally trained stylist
Spirals of soft-serve yogurt await adornment by fresh-fruit, candy, and chocolate toppings
Weight-loss accelerating super-food blend contains acai-berry extract, green tea, and coffee extracts to help detoxify and block fat uptake
Chefs craft locally inspired thin-crust pies at a pizzeria decorated with modern touches such as flat-screen TVs and pan-decorated ceilings
Multimedia-rich guided tours through 34-room house built in 1842; museum exhibits on Civil War, slavery, and life of President Lincoln
State-licensed contractors slather the walls of up to two rooms with vibrant paint provided by the client
PGA pro evaluates golf swing with a video analysis and offers a follow-up video lesson to measure improvement and develop muscle memory
Massage reduces chronic aches and pains; the body wrap detoxifies skin and concludes with a conditioning lotion
Award-winning multimedia lessons in French, German, Italian, and 35 other languages with feedback from native speakers.
Eco-friendly tours take riders through 17th- & 18th-century streets & past homes & military buildings, with helmets & live audio included