Washington DC - Home Services Deals

Lawn mower captained by knowledgeable lawn-service technicians removes excess length from shaggy yards

Family-run garden center founded in 1968 graces lawns with trees, shrubs & flowers

Uniformed cleaners tidy with nontoxic products, anti-allergenic dust cloths, and vacuums certified to enhance indoor air quality.

Screened cleaners pick up loads, wash each garment & then deliver cleaned, folded clothes back to customer's residence

Tech spruces up lawns with weeding, edging, raking & shrub trimming or delivers & installs up to 4 cubic yards of brown or red mulch

Reputable handyman company's staff performs electrical installations & remedies various plumbing maladies during visits of up to two hours

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Movers simplify lives of college students during breaks by hauling goods from apartments or dorms to storage & redeliver after 12 weeks

Skilled window washers remove dirt, hard rain spots & debris from exterior panes, leaving windows with sparkling sheen

Technicians mow & trim lawns weekly & blow clippings off surfaces after each visit