Washington DC - Yoga Deals

Welcoming instructors steer physiques through 26 poses & two breathing exercises during 90-minute Bikram yoga classes in heated studio

Certified instructors lead classes that use machines or body weight as resistance to create muscle definition without straining joints.

Students practice 12 styles of yoga plus traditional strength training in historic studio accented by chandeliers & carved ceiling

105-degree Bikram yoga studio hosts more than 40 classes each week, all taught by experienced & certified Bikram instructors

Instructors help students center their minds and strengthen their limbs with Hatha- and Vinyasa-style yoga classes and themed workshops.

Experienced practitioners coach students through traditional Bikram asanas & breathing exercises during intensive 90-minute sessions

Elevated temperatures help muscles relax into deep, safe stretches & spur sweat to evict toxins from pores during challenging yoga classes

Allowing students to pursue either physical or mental benefits, instructors lead demanding yoga classes while offering hands-on adjustments

Certified instructors lead daily yoga classes for students of all abilities, including Vinyasa & Yogalates, in eco-friendly studio space

Students practice 12 styles of yoga plus traditional strength training in historic studio accented by chandeliers & carved ceiling